Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Awkwardness,

I feel that I have a newfound appreciation for the expression "trip at the finish line".  Sure it has nothing to do with a literal finish line, or tripping, but still...I would say that dropping the pan of twelve servings of chicken  and sauce that I was delivering onto the church house kitchen door loosely qualifies.  Also, I love that I'm no longer trusted around chicken and that "I wouldn't want to do an Allison" is becoming a catch phrase among my presidency.

Chicken-less, but feeling sheepish,
Dear Awkwardness,

The next time my roommate has lots of people over and I try to tell a story, I would appreciate it if my attempts to say "I was in the bathroom getting ready" didn't come out as "I was in the bathroom getting married".  Because, let's be honest, those aren't the same thing.

Still single,

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear Awkwardness,

So I got invited to a Mission Reunion on facebook and this is the comment I received a minute later,  "Um...not sure how to tell you this delicately...but on my sidebar it says "'Noralin Ellsworth is going to Mate!!!!!!'--Sunday, January 15 at 7:00pm" Now, I'm sure that that is pronounced Mah-tay, but it sure doesn't look like that. Just wanted you to know. Have a great day!"

Enough Said,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Awkwardness,

I think we have a common acquaintance...  So I went to my Creative Writing class on Tuesday night and let's just say that my professor is probably a good friend of yours.  He kept pronouncing words wrong until he said, "I think I had a stroke last night" followed by an entire minute of silence.  He then reiterated his thought, "Ya, I think so" and continued on with the lecture.  Thanks for making class interesting!

Don't ever change,