Monday, March 18, 2013

Dear Awkwardness,

Remember that time that I was at a friend's house using the bathroom when I discovered that they were out of toilet paper.  And remember how as I was searching through all their cupboards and drawers (grateful that the bathroom was small enough that everything was within reach) that her roommate opened the door (again, I was grateful that the room was small enough that I could push it closed quasi-immediately).  Yeah, that was fun.  Thank goodness for lessons learned in India.

Grateful for handsoap,
Dear Awkwardness,

What was the deal with all of the roadkill on the road in front of the pet cemetery I drove past on the way to Madison the other day?  Do you have some sort of twisted sense of humor or something?  Well, having learned from recent experience that non-relatives don't appreciate stories about dead pets and animals, at least I know not to bring this up in conversation.
