Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Awkwardness,

I'm so glad that I have such a likable name, but really?? Does there need to be eight Rachel's in our ward? I've also really appreciated sharing our apartment with another Rachel. It was pretty funny to watch my roommate crack up when she called out "Rachel" and we both simultaneously turned from our computers as we sat at the same table and said "What?" in the same monotonous tone. To add insult to injury she wasn't calling for me. I might have to start thinking about adopting a nickname.

Yours Truly,
Rach-E (emphasis on the E)

1 comment:

  1. There were 7 Emilys in my London Study Abroad group--out of only 35 people. 1 in 5. Prior to that I'd only met like two other Emilys.
